Minty Green
well i finally got a picture up on this bleeping blog. i don't know if it was even worth it. okay, it was. ha ha ha. so lets seeee...what did i need to write about... oh yes, all of the crap that's been going on. ugh.
i went to go check out that car. it's really yucky looking. an '84 toyota tercel. ewwie. it runs okay, but i don't know if i'm ready to sink $500 into the first and only car i've looked at. i really need one. decisions, decisions.
apparently i don't get much from FAFSA. about $2,500 per year. which i of course have to payback anyway. that's for Pitt. State. i'm visiting Emporia tomorrow. we'll see what i'm eligible for there. school makes me sad sometimes.
megan should be in town by now. YAY!!!!! i feel like going to a coffee house with my girls and hanging out, but that's probably not going to happen. megan has to unpack, and kate's not even here. *sigh*
so this is kinda funny. i was over at my brother's house eating dinner and he was getting me a drink. i asked him if i could have a straw too. he then asked me what color i wanted, yellow, green, orange, or purple. i thought for a second and couldn't decide, so i looked down at my shirt. it was orange. so i said orange please. my sister in law started laughing at me. she couldn't believe i had just looked at my shirt in order to determine what color straw i wanted. hahahaha. i'm so funny.
until next time...
my match for my straw usually is what is the opposite colour on the colour wheel of the underpants i wore 3 weeks from the last tuesday with a waxing crescent moon. but i'm not crazy. it's just that when i paint, the prime-numbered strokes always fight back.
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