Confessions from the JoCo

I know ALL their secrets...well maybe just all MY secrets.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


so i just bought 2 pairs of shoes yesterday. holy crep! i heart shoes. i finally have some REAL tennis shoes. like they make running, walking, and standing less painful. and they're purple and white...go bearcats...woo! ok i sound so stupid right now . anywho, i went for a run/walk in them this morning and lets just say that me and the shoes now have a very close, intimate relationship. the other pair i got cuase they are pumas and well i heart cats. esp cats on shoes. also they are blue, and blue is a weakness. i could buy most things based just on the fact that they were blue.

oh yes, this is also exciting. i've been emailing with my roomie for this year and, again, holy crep! i love her already. we wear the same size shoes, watch FRIENDS, and are totally weird. i can't believe i got so lucky. ok well not lucky...God's just taking care of me. like woah. i'm so excited. i'm gonna miss ppl, but i know i'll have a great time at school.
so here is le schedule for this semester. FRIDAYS look amazing!!!

Monday Psych 9-9:50, Univ. Seminar 11-11:50, Design 2-3:15
Tuesday New Test. Hist. 9:30-10:45, Amer Gov't 12:30-1:45, Fund. Speech 2-3:15 Wednesday Psych 9-9:50, Univ. Seminar 11-11:50, Design 2-3:15
Thursday New Test. Hist 9:30-10:45, Amer Gov't 12:30-1:45, Fund. Speech 2-3:15 Friday Psych 9-9:50

i move in the 12th of August. 19 days. so much to do...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

read all about it! scratch that. me, not it.

so hey there bloggers. sorry about the absence, i have no excuse so yeah...haha.

umm i took care of all that stolen wallet mess pretty much. made a police report, got my money put back into my account, new DL, can't replace most of the other stuff tho. i'm still bitter about that. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

so there has been much time spent with smavid and yeah. some things happened. no, not those things. more like"growing experience" things.
"i like you david"
"i thought so, but i'm not sure how i feel about you right now"
"okay, ummm i feel really stupid and embarrassed and vulnerable right now"
"no, hey i'm glad you brought this up. it needed to be talked about"
"i don't want this to make our friendship awkward"
"it won't be"
"lets hang out later"
so we did and everything's fine. i think i realized that beings friends with him is actually better than like, dating him. oh jeeze i feel like such a girl right now. lol. it's still kinda hard to be around him because i'm still attracted to him of course, but now there's not so much tension inside of me. like everytime i would see him i would get all nervous and uncomfortable cause i was like 'does he like me, omg, i want him to like me'. no more of that now...for the most part : )

my dad and andy filled out the application for my loan for school. now we play the waiting game. lol.

that's what i can think of right now. vat else do you vant to know? ask me if you dare ; )