Confessions from the JoCo

I know ALL their secrets...well maybe just all MY secrets.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

oh there you are!

your blog is always found in the last place you left it...d'oh!

sorry about my absence. i've been posting on the xanga, but i keep forgetting about this site.
there's not really that much to update you all on. school's hard, but what else is new. cheerleading is fun, but sometimes our coach doesn't use us new girls as often : ( i would just really like to find out what i'm capable of. my roomie is flippin sweet and as weird as i am. tea with joel at breakfast is good times. the M. W. Smith concert is on Thursday...joel is really excited. i mean REALLY. lol. i love working out with my roomie and joel. it's sooooo gonna pay off. yay! : )

uhhh......maybe more later. i'm gonna go sit with a rando now. later.